Blasting Applications

Portfolio of Blasting Applications

Ecoblast Restoration has gathered a large portfolio of experience over many years of blasting.  Industries serviced with Sodablasting and sand blasting are Automotive, Marine, Industrial Equipment, Heavy Equipment, Fire Restoration, Mold Remediation, Graffiti Removal, Food Processing Equipment, Aero-Space, Grease and Oil Removal, Bacteria Cleaning and Engine Cleaning, and more.  There is a wide range of restoration solutions which can be provided by Ecoblast Restoration mobile sodablasters.

Sand and soda blasting

Automotive Paint Removal

The advantage of using a sodablaster for automotive surface preparation is that paint, grease and undercoating can be removed without breaking the surface tension of

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Sand blasting safety helmet - Ecoblast Restoration York and Durham Region Ontario

Making Your Restoration Project Stress-Free

Sodablasting can be used for cleaning timber, wood, oak beams, oak floors, doors, stairs & banisters, cars, boat hulls, masonry, and food processing equipment. Sodablasting can also be used to remove graffiti and to clean structural steel. Sodablasting is very effective for mold and fire/smoke damage cleanup as it cleans and deodorizes.

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