Calcium, Sand and Baking Soda Blasting - Mobile Services in Haliburton, Muskoka, Peel Region, Durham Region.

The unique properties of sodium bicarbonate allow it to remove paint, grease, mold, oil, soot, and other contaminants without damaging glass, chrome, and even thin sheet metal.

Media can be used either with air alone or an air and water combination.  The advantages of blasting with water and any media are that the impact of the blast will be softened and also that the water will also help with dust control.  This technique should only be attempted by an experienced blaster.

There are many different applications where blasting can be used to restore the surface of an item.  The applications determine which media will be used in blasting process.  In all applications the blasting will remove paint in order to prepare the surface for refinishing.

Our sandblasting and soda blasting mobile services will travel to your location.  Your wood, metal and masonry surfaces can be restored to their original condition.

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Wood can be blasted with any sort of media. Your determining factor would be the hardness of the wood and the profile you want. For example, sand will bring out an extreme grain on the wood and is used to make wood look old and rustic. Baking soda is good for a lighter profile and grain in your wood.


Metals can be blasted with all sorts of media depending on the thickness and hardness of the metal. For example, sand is useful on steel columns while baking soda is good for sheet metal.

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The media choice will depend on the hardness of the material and the profile you want. A sand application could be used for resurfacing a concrete pool. However, depending on the condition of the concrete and the currently applied coating, baking soda or calcium may be used instead. This can also be said for concrete stairs as well. Baking soda is the ideal choice to remove graffiti as sand can be too aggressive (not as good for blending the unblasted area with the newly blasted section).

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